User's Manual

#1 General Instructions

About Us

On the About page you can find all the information you need: contact details, message form, working hours and more.

Reputation Points

We made for you Reputation Points system represented by yellow stars. You can give a star for the following elements:

  • Users
  • Forum threads
  • Forum posts
  • Teams
  • Battles
  • Reports

Each user has his own Ranking, which consists of stars from: user's profile, user's posts, user's threads and user's battle reports.


If you need more information, that is not provided on this page, you can try our Frequently Asked Question page.

Privacy Policy

If you want to fully experience our services, you have to accept our Privacy Policy. It's about cookies and stuff.

Terms of Service

If you want to have account and use our services, you need to accept our Terms of Service.


Statistics page provides fancy numbers which represent global achievements. You can also check there TOP 3 Teams and TOP 3 Soldiers in various categories.

#2 User's Account


Registration on is simply. First, you need to go to Register page.

Fill all the gaps with your data, then proove that you are human. Final step is reading and accepting our Terms of Service and clicking Register button.

The next step you need to make is going to your mail and search for confirmation email from us. After that, you can use every feature we created!


If you're already registered, you can login into our website by using Login page.

You lost your password? Don't worry, you can reset it here by using your email adress.

Edit account

This option gives you more oportunities to personalize your register form. To get there, you need to drop down menu in the right corner(with your username on it) and go to Profile section. Then on the menu list choose Settings.

All you can change here is username, email address and password. You can disable comments visible on your profile.

Moreover, you can add some fancy avatar or your photo. Remember, that you have to choose file maximum 200px wide and 200px high.

User's profile

This section shows every information about you. The main panel contains your statistics and other useful information. Below this section, you can find your last 5 forum posts.

On the left navbar you can find following options:

  • Invitations

    This panel contains all the invitation that you received or requests you sent.

  • View Team

    Simple link to your team, if you have one.

  • Control Team

    Simple link to your team's settings page. Of course, if you're Admin.

  • Comments

    This section is visible for every user and contains your profile comments. In profile settings you can disable adding comments if you want to.

  • Devices

    This is very important place. It shows the list of your bluFET devices and allows to manage them. You can add new bluFET too.

  • Battles

    This part shows simple list of battles you participated in and the statistics.

  • Battle reports

    All the information you need, you can find in Battle reports section of this manual.

  • Threads/Posts

    This sections contain simple lists of your last forum threads or posts.

  • Reports

    Only visible for our Beta-Testers. If you can see this link in your profile, you know what to do!

  • Settings

    Simple link to your Profile Settings.

Other users' profiles

You can visit other users' profiles, but it shows less than your profile. Moreover, you can give a Reputation Point for user that you like or your think that one is a good soldier!

#3 Device Registration

Add device

If you want to add new bluFET device, go to Devices section in your profile. Then type MAC address of bluFET device and click Submit.

There is two places where you can check MAC address:

  1. On the secret card in bluFET box.
  2. By trying to connect bluFET with your Mobile App.

Manage device

When your bluFET is already on the list, you can check if it's paired with your Mobile App.

You can unlink bluFET from the mobile device and link it with other one.

Deleting device

You can't delete bluFET device from your profile manually. If you want to sell, borrow or give away your bluFET, contact us and we will take care of it.

We want to provide the best level of services esspecialy for you and we need to take care of genuineness of our products. We know every single bluFET we produced and we have to control it in order to avoid cheap imitations.

#4 bluFET Mobile App

Download Mobile App

bluFET Mobile App is free and you can find it on Google Play HERE.

First start

If you have installed Mobile App, launch it on your Android device and follow instructions on screen.

Connecting device

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab nihil reiciendis ipsam officia laboriosam aperiam inventore non facilis nisi voluptatem animi mollitia accusantium magni, eius ea expedita pariatur error ratione! Harum magni saepe mollitia accusamus, odio sint voluptatibus consectetur repudiandae.

Programming bluFET device

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab nihil reiciendis ipsam officia laboriosam aperiam inventore non facilis nisi voluptatem animi mollitia accusantium magni, eius ea expedita pariatur error ratione! Harum magni saepe mollitia accusamus, odio sint voluptatibus consectetur repudiandae.

Updating bluFET device

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab nihil reiciendis ipsam officia laboriosam aperiam inventore non facilis nisi voluptatem animi mollitia accusantium magni, eius ea expedita pariatur error ratione! Harum magni saepe mollitia accusamus, odio sint voluptatibus consectetur repudiandae.

Battle Mode

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab nihil reiciendis ipsam officia laboriosam aperiam inventore non facilis nisi voluptatem animi mollitia accusantium magni, eius ea expedita pariatur error ratione! Harum magni saepe mollitia accusamus, odio sint voluptatibus consectetur repudiandae.

Sending reports

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab nihil reiciendis ipsam officia laboriosam aperiam inventore non facilis nisi voluptatem animi mollitia accusantium magni, eius ea expedita pariatur error ratione! Harum magni saepe mollitia accusamus, odio sint voluptatibus consectetur repudiandae.

#5 Teams

Join team

If don't have team, you can browse through Teams page and find one that suit you. Then you can simply click on Join team button and your request will be sent to Team's Admin.

Leave team

You can leave the team in any moment you want to. Just go to your team's page and press the Leave team button. Each of your battle reports will automaticly unlink from all battles you participated in.

Exploring team

For more details about each team, you can check its page.

  • About

    First visible section is avatar, name, motto, website and description of the team.

  • Statistics

    On the right side you can see the panel of statics. There are numbers summary: soldiers, shots, distance, frag ratio, battles, battle reports and effiency. This stats are counting up from each battle the teams participated in. Below that section are placed some informations like: team status, founding, location, reputation points and more.

  • Soldiers

    This section contains list of each soldier that belongs to the team. You can visit user's profile if you want to.

  • Battles

    This section contains each battle that team participated in. You can find here basic information and visit battle page if you want to.

  • Comments

    Section with team's comments. Every user can comment if team's admin enabled it.

Team's Real-time Chat

Classic Shoutbox that provides quick messages to all team's soldiers. It shows messages from 3 last days. Only visible for team's members.

#6 Team Management (as Team Admin)

Create team

If you don't have team, you can create one. Simply go to Teams page and click Create team button.

Fill all the required gaps and add some additional information if you want to.

After this step, you become the team's admin. There can be only one admin at the time.

Control team

Team Admin has complete control of team's settings, battles and soldiers. Go to your Team's Page and click Dashboard button above Statistics section.

As Team Admin you can:

  • Add battle

    Only Team Admin is managing battles. You can add one if you want to. Click on Add battle and you will be redirected to new form, similar to this for creating team. Fill the gaps, set the time and place. Submit it and wait for first report from your soldiers!

  • Invite soldier

    You can invite new members if you know his email address. Simply fill the box with it and invitation will be sent.

  • Edit team

    That button redirects you to page where you can change information you want, disable comments or manage visibility of your team for non-members.

  • Transfer admin rights

    If you are resigning from commanding the team, you can transfer your admin rights to other member.

  • Delete team

    As team admin, you can delete your team. It's not recommended option! Better one is transfer admin rights and leave team.

    Notice: you have to emptify your team to delete it.

  • Manage invitations

    Each of your invitation or user's requests are visible here. You can accept or reject it. You can also delete members from team.

Control members

Below Control Team section you can find Members of your team.

First table shows each Member. You can delete them from here.

Second table shows invitations that you sent or request from users. You can accept or reject them.

#7 Battles

Exploring battle

If you want to explore battles, simply go to Battles page and choose one and click on chosen battle's name.

  • About

    First visible section is image, name, location, date and description of the battle.

  • Statistics

    On the right side you can see the panel of statics. There are numbers summary: soldiers, shots, distance, kills, deaths, frag ratio, battle reports, effiency and attendance (% of all team soldiers in this battle). This stats are counting up from each battle report linked with this battle. Below that section are placed some informations like: team status, privacy, location, reputation points and more.

  • Soldiers

    This section contains list of each soldier with reports linked with this battle. You can visit user's profile if you want to.

  • Battle Reports

    This section contains each battle reports linked with this battle. You can find here basic information (distance, shots, kills, deaths) and visit report page if you want to.

  • Comments

    Section with battle's comments. Every user can comment if team's admin enabled it.

#8 Battle Management (as Team Admin)

Add battle

You can find everything about adding battle in the Team Management section.

Control battle

You can manage your teams battles. Below the Statistics section in Battle view are the control buttons: Edit battle and Delete battle.

Edition works like Adding battle sou you have the same fields in this form.

If you want to delete battle, you have to unlink all the reporst first!

Battle reports

If team member has linked his report with battle then he is mentioned as Soldier in battle overview and his report is on the list. As team admin, you can unlink that report if you need.

#9 Reports

Your reports

Each of your battle reports you can find in your Profile - Battle reports section. For the best experience, always link reports to the active battles! You can also delete report if needed.

Adding reports

If you want to add report to your profile, you have to do nothing except using your Mobile App. More info is in Sending reports section.

Exploring reports

If you have to find more information about your battles reports, simply go to Profile - Battle reports section then click View Report.

You can view other soldiers' reports by exploring Battles. Chose one you want to and go to Reports section inside.

#10 Forum


We have prepared for you classic style Forum. You can find there many categories, subcategories, threads and posts about GUNfet, myGUNfet, Airsoft and other topics.


Every user can open new thread. Simply visit Forum, find category that is connected to your topic and click Add new topic. Remember about rules and personal culture.


Every user can post answer in every Open thread on forum. Find topic that you are interested in, read messages and write to the others what your are thinking! Remember about rules and personal culture.